Presentation & Communication Skills Experience

Your Voice: Experiences designed to elevate your voice


VOICE is an award winning presentation and communication skills experience that gives you the capacity to unleash your story, master your message and captivate your audience each and every time you speak. Whether it’s a high stake presentation, a sales pitch or a critical conversation, VOICE will unlock your ability to connect and influence your audience in a powerful and compelling way. This highly engaging and interactive program has received rave reviews from thousands of leaders and organizations in over 30 countries across the globe!


Key Takeways

  • Discover brilliant techniques to unleash your story and master a message that will move your audience to action
  • Explore a new formula for the development and delivery of your message that includes the creation of a roadmap, transitions, and strategies for reaching your ultimate goal
  • Confront any fears holding you back from a powerful delivery and create permanent confidence to present to any audience in any context
  • Discover how to masterfully work with data and to use visuals in a way that will help to enhance your message and make your presentation six times more memorable
  • Uncover the essential verbal and non-verbal secrets you can implement to engage, inspire and ignite your audience
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Mark Better

"In my 18 years running sessions at Qualcomm, your presentation training was by far the most well received and well attended workshop we offered.”

Jessi Brandt

“This experience was phenomenal. I am not only ready to deliver my next presentation, I am actually looking forward to it!”

Maddy Kent

“In my role as president of a sales organization, presentations are a critical part of what we do each and every day. Having the ability to master my story and understanding how to make my data alone tell a story is a game changer for me and my team.”

Areas of Focus

Your Experience Includes:

  • An engaging program rich with innovative content and result-oriented challenges
  • A collaborative and experiential learning environment that fosters a new outlook on presentation design and delivery
  • Interactive opportunities for individuals to practice their delivery skills

Your Experience Includes:

  • A custom program geared towards executive and board level presentations
  • Engaging program rich with innovative content and result-oriented challenges
  • Group and Individual executive coaching opportunities

Your Experience Includes:

  • A custom program geared towards sales and marketing presentations and environments
  • An engaging program rich with innovative content and result-oriented challenges
  • A collaborative and experiential learning environment that fosters a new outlook on presentation design and delivery
  • Interactive opportunities for teams to practice their delivery skills

Learn more about This Workshop